Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Connecting Dots

<--Picture of the day: breathe.

Quote of the day:
"all endings are beginnings. we just don't know it at the time..."


I have always referred to Belize as home, although, I was born in the United States. It was without thought that I would say to people, I can not wait to fly home and with a puzzled face they would say, “Fly home?”...

After this last semester all I could think about was going home. Many of the talents and strengths that was being shown to me that I had, had become very overwhelming. Sitting on the my apartment kitchen floor frustrated with everything, I knew that I had to get a hold of myself. Making a positive impact on the world is all I want from life and I knew in order to do that I needed to have peace within myself. It is we who seek to bring positive change who always sees the negative. However, in order to bring change you must have balance within your work and within yourself, at least that is my current opinion on the situation. It was in that mindset that I knew to regroup I would have to go somewhere that is pure positivity to me. A place that I call home, Belize.

I remember sitting on the plane thinking, how funny would it be if as soon as I got off the plane Belize would feel the least like home. I am very happy that did not happen. As I climbed down the stairs and was greeted by the sun, the sky, and the humidity I took a deep breath and felt the most peace I have ever felt. I could not help to chuckle to my self... God/or whatever energy/being that lives has been really good to me.

Since being here dots have been connecting for me. Dots that stretched way far from one another have magically become pinnacle points of relation of why I am who I am. Why I dream what I dream. Why freeing the mind, the spirit, the people, the children has become my oxygen. My grandmother and aunt have done so many amazing things in Belize, it is like we share the same air. Coming here has been the best thing for me and I feel as if I am in preparation for much to come. I am using my mind like a sponge, just soaking all of this information up. Recording names, dates, times, journaling, asking questions... breathing. It is such a joyous feeling.

There is much that is in disarray here in Belize, yet so is true of the world. However, there are many people who are working to secure a better time for the younger generation. I am hoping that my purpose is for-filled here in this country for these moments that I will be here. I know that this same peace will follow me where ever I go for now on.

Soon I will write more. I just wanted to get something out. I hope all is well with everyone. Belize is treating me well and she is very beautiful, I am thankful for being here.

I am very grateful for my parents for doing all that they could to get me to Belize, as well as, trusting my decisions. I am especially thankful for Courtney for being such a friend to me and reminding me how normal I am. Also much thanks to Aunjel who is new to my life but has been one of my best friends and haven't left my side in some of my darkest of moments. Overall, without the support of friends in these last months I would not be where I am at now, which has been such a peaceful place to be mentally. Also the 5 amazing women who have been placed in my life and have helped me and supported me through all of my decisions (Amber, Heather, Nilda, CK, & Alicia love you women!) To say the least I am so grateful for all the people in my life, so grateful that it fills me with joy.
