Monday, June 8, 2009

Scattered Brained.

I have been searching for something that I have not yet found. The reason behind my empty-handiness is because in all truths I do not know what I am looking for. I was listening to Tavis Smiley today online and retrieved an archive from an episode that featured Will Smith. I have heard Smith speak before and am always intrigued to hear what he has to say. For many years I have disregarded his thought due to my lack of respect to the artist. I was fooled into thinking the artist is far from the thinker. Yet the artist who creates is the thinker and even more. However, what Smith spoke on was our ability to choose. He used the example of 2+2 =4. In his mind 2 + 2 only equals 4 because he has made the choice to accept that answer.

This past year has been very interesting. Compared to my first year in college I would say I am not as "lively" as I was before. I am not sure if before I believed something that I do not now or is this just the course of maturity. I am worried what this year may bring me.

I have been searching for something that I can not find. I can’t remember if I have ever felt at ease. There is always something going through my mind, something processing, and something that needs to be thought about. Something that has always had me waiting for the next move I can make. Yet, I have not found that place where I can call home...

I was once a firm believer that we are nothing more than our experiences. However, after giving it deeper thought I wonder are we really? Are we not more than our experiences? When something happens to a person their reaction varies depending on how they perceived the incident could have affected them...

What will be left of us when our bodies have gone away? A point that I am usually scared to speak aloud is Nietzsche criticism of Christianity. His understanding that the story of this glorious heaven makes its believers weak. Does it really?....

There are many things that I seldom speak on afraid that my faith may dwindle even more that it has already. However, what faith do I have? What is it that I believe in? Where do I stand? Do I stand for anything at all?

I frequently silence my questions in order to stay sane. Because once you begin to question the roots of anything and realize that they are no roots whatever thought it was being held up will be forced to fall over...

Therefore, society to me is just that. Their roots are never questioned because society is convinced that they are firmly grounded. Now what if I could prove to you that everything you believe in, stand for, and try to become is nothing more than someone's assertion of power in order to better glorify their selves. Is it not harder to believe lies than to create truths of your own...

When asked do I believe in God. I am not sure what to say. God makes sense to me. However, I wonder if it makes sense to me because I have been taught this not because I truly believe...

Faith is a scary thing to live by...

When asked about the Bible, I try not to offend anyone because to me I do not know enough to speak on it...will that grant me free access to the “firey” pits of hell... who knows?

I guess I say all of this to say that I am lost. I have questioned all of the roots of my reality and have realized that societies foundation does not exist because what say has us grounded are the very things that have us afloat…in midair, when gravity kicks in what will do? Must we not tumble down and meet our demise?

Grace ♥

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