Monday, June 1, 2009


I've been in such a wierd mood today. I'm guessing it's because it is almost time for me to leave to Camden. I wrote this on my other blog but I have been thinking about how many oppurtunities has arisen for me to stay in the US. Now it seems like I have been trying to convince myself to leave, where as, before I did not need convincing...

Well, what I wanted to touch on in this blog was LAUSD mainstreaming their special education classes...I wrote this earlier today sitting in a classroom...

Staring at a clock that reads 8:24, I am reminded of my days in secondary schooling. Today, however, I am sitting in an 8th grade Algebra class…observing. The class is made up of students who are classified as Special Ed. However, this class is not made up of students who are physically or what I would classify as mentally handicapped but students who do not necessarily work at the level of their grade, mainly because of behavioral problems.

I believe out of the 13 students 5 or so come from foster homes or homes with extreme conditions. One student is the eldest of seven, was sexually abused by a family member, and currently lives with her grandmother whose health is depreciating. Based on the morning the student had at home depends on whether the student “feels” like working when they come to class was explained to me by the teacher. This morning must not have been the best because entering class the student is disruptive and walking around the classroom. Along with a teacher, the class has three other teachers’ assistants. One of the assistants takes the student outside to talk to and upon returning the student sits down and gets to work. At times the other students do tend to be a little disruptive also but overall they do pay attention.

Today the warm-up ran over time because many of the students did not understand the concepts that were being taught so the teacher and the assistants took extra time to work with each student...

What are the pro's and con's to mainstreaming? If they do mainstream the classrooms what will happen when on the students needs to go over the material while the rest of the class is ready to move on? Will that student be singled out and made fun of? I just began my research on this so there will be more to come. If you have any thoughts on this let me know.

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