Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Too Radical?

I am constantly worried that my words and thoughts have become too radical. Yet, when I return home, all I can think of are the conditions in which my people live within, and it is not right. Therefore, who I am to sit silent and turn a blind eye. When I read of the things happening in Haiti, I am nothing more than enraged. What shall I do with all this anger? When I go home and people see me reading books like, "Black Liberation" or "Writings of Nietzsche" they ask me, why am I reading because school is out. I can not help but think why wouldn't I be reading...

When I go to the schools and see the kids not caring about learning, I am frustrated. When I see what they are forced to learn, I understand why. I think to myself where is our savior? Who will save us? Who will teach the children that they are being laughed at upon the hills. Who will save our ghettos?

When I hear my brother tell me that at night it sounds like we live within a war zone, I am empowered. I think that the extreme conditions in which we live in as Americans in the ghettos of South Central and else where, will some how make the people want a leader. Somehow the extreme conditions in which we live in will create a leader. I am just waiting for the leader to arise. I believe that I have been sent here to condition that leader, I am just waiting.

Therefore, my thoughts are extreme and radical because these are conditions in which I live in. Therefore, if someone ask if what I think is too radical, I will say YES look at what my government have given me to live within. Look at how my people suffer around the world. Look at how they took us from our homes and dispersed us across the world. Look at this. Look at how our first hope in a black liberation has constantly been punished because of it. I will tell them peer through the eyes of my people. I will ask them to keep looking and see if they get the feelings in their belly to strike back.

At night I live within a war zone...the ghettos do not sleep because we are not allowed to. Now, who will rescue us from this but ourselves. Do not question our motives until you have seen it through our eyes.


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