Sunday, March 20, 2011

rain sucks. give me sunshine. please.

i sat in a coffee shop without head phones and listened.
i've written more than i ever have today.
may be the free time is to blame.
there are a lot of things that have crossed my mind...

children and innocence
"bearing witness" to pain

in 'a monk in the inner city' by Mary Lou Kownacki...

"I was 'bearing witness.' and to bear witness is a profound expression of Eucharist. to be present to suffering, just present, without pretending to have answers, is how we most radically follow Jesus' invitation: 'remember me.' This is the real presence that can lead to healing, to reconciliation, to peace."

i decided to go down to the park by my house to see if i can host a poetry class... maybe get the people to put on a show for the area...
there's something sacred about a community poetry show.

ive also been thinking about
i am afraid of a lot of things.
it really bothers me.
and no matter how much i try to talk myself out of some of my fears i'm still afraid. i blame my dreams... i've had really bad dreams in the past... i'm mainly afraid of them coming true. and i'm sure my dreams are only a reflection of my fears which i think is a reflection of my dreams... its' this ridiculous cycle i'm apart of...

my roommate is a dream... i really like her... she possesses mind control i'm sure... so i'm not sure if she... hmmm... maybe i dnt like her....

liking someone is a horrible place for the mind... always worrying about doing something that would cause that person to not care for you anymore... at least its tough in the beginning... at least for me.

walking to the park

random thoughts/confessions:
i am so afraid of strangers.
rain at night is not makes me really worried.
it's going to take me so long to sleep in a room by myself.
there are moments where i freak out and wonder if i;ve made a mistake.
sometimes i wish i was normal... but i know i have no idea what that means.

best quote of the day:

"in the end beauty will save the world" -Dostoyevsky's

oh pictures of my hair cut...

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